Page 1 - Sentinel July 2016
P. 1

JULY 2016


IN 1776, John Adams promised that Americans would            County Club for a 7 p.m. performance by the 60-mem-
be celebrating the Declaration of independence with fire-     ber Denver Concert Band. At 9 o’clock the fireworks will
works and parades long after he was gone. Of course, he      start.
thought we’d celebrate on
July 2 when the Declaration                                                                      Perry Park Country Club
was signed, but “the peo-                                                                        will be serving dinner out-
ple” picked July 4—when                                                                          doors as well to all comers,
the committee released it to                                                                     members or not. Here’s the
the public. But Adams got it                                                                     menu:
mostly right.                                                                                    Grilled 1⁄2 pound hamburg-
Here in the Larkspur area we                                                                     BBQ pork sandwiches
throw a great July 4 party.                                                                      Vienna beef hot dogs and
There is a parade. There is                                                                      brats
music. There are fireworks.                                                                       Sliced watermelon
They come to you, whatev-                                                                        Relish tray & sliced chees-
er Larkspur neighborhood                                                                         es
you live in, compliments of                                                                      Assorted potato chip
the Metro District of Perry                                                                      Cookies
Park Ranch and the Perry                                                                         $15 all inclusive
Park Country Club. The
parade will begin at 11 a.m.                                                                     Bring the whole family—
on Red Rock Drive at the                                                                         blankets on the lawn. How-
Big D. That’s right in the                                                                       ever, prepare for a large
heart of Perry Park. You                                                                         crowd and limited parking.
can’t miss it. You’ll see old                                                                    Please leave your car at
cars, decorated bikes and                                                                        home if you can. Off-duty
golf carts, drill teams, decorated dogs...just an old fash-  police will be directing traffic, but there is only one en-
ioned neighborhood parade. After the parade—prizes for       trance/exit from the area. Patience is a necessary part of
the most impressive entries and free ice cream for all!      the celebration!

Participants in the parade should arrive at the Big D by     So bring your patience and your children and your aunts
10:30 a.m. Red Rock Drive at the Big D will be closed to     and uncles and your American flags and prepare to enjoy
traffic 11-11:30 a.m.                                         the full day right here in your own neighborhood.

After the parade, go home; take a nap. Then gather your      It’s a great way to celebrate the 4th.
blankets and bug spray and come back to Perry Park               ~KD
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