Page 1 - Sentinel April 2017
P. 1

APRIL 2017
        The Perry Park Sentinel


        In April, 2016, the Perry Park Sentinel ceased to be      and distributed by hand into mailboxes throughout
        a printed newsletter and became accessible only on        Perry Park Ranch by those same volunteers.  There
        line.    Printing  and  mailing  costs  had  skyrocketed,   was a lot of local gossip and no art.  Local realtors
        and  we  were  having  to  raise  advertising  rates  se-  absorbed the costs of those first issues.  Later, the
        verely just to scrape by.  It was clear that we could     Sentinel sold advertising space, and used commercial
        no  longer  let  our  advertisers  absorb  those  rising                    printers to produce a 20-25-page
        costs, so after much discussion                                             local  newspaper  with  expanded
        and consultation with the Metro                                             distribution throughout the Lark-
        District  Board,  we  borrowed                                              spur area.
        their website as a “new home”
        for the Sentinel.  Going on line,                                           The  Sentinel  is  still  staffed  en-
        has given us a great deal of flex-                                           tirely by volunteers with the ex-
        ibility we didn’t have before. We                                           ception of a professional typeset-
        can use all the color and all the                                           ter  who  designs  and  formats  it.
        pages  we  need.    No  more  be-                                           She’ll never get rich doing it, so
        moaning the fact that a glorious                                            her efforts are as much a labor of
        photograph could only be print-                                             love as those of us who volunteer
        ed in black and white—or that a                                             our time.  Anyone may volunteer,
        really good story wouldn’t make                                             and a number of you do, simply
        an issue because money dictated                                             by submitting your photographs
        the number of pages and words                                               or  articles  or  FYI  items.  We
        we could use.  Going online was                                             no  longer  try  to  publish  a  staff
        just another milestone in a long life.                    box—too many people involved in too many ways,
                                                                  some once in a while, some every month.  Just read
        We’ve come a long way since April, 1977. That’s           the bylines.
        when the Sentinel was born.
                                                                  Keep sending in material—and keep reading.  It is
        In April,  1977,  a  group  of  volunteers  put  out  the   a community effort—and has been for exactly forty
        very first issue of the Perry Park Sentinel.  It was       years. Let’s keep it going.
        typed—yes,  on  a  typewriter—and  mimeographed           ~KDale
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