Page 18 - Sentinel April 2017
P. 18

A WALK ON THE WILD SIDE                                   The bird bath requires frequent filling due to the warmth and
        Susan Peters...                                           the many birds it attracts.  This spring is a banner one for rob-
                                                                  ins.  One or two hung around all winter.  Now the bird bath
        Fast Forward into Summer?...                              and pond have become the meetup singles bar.  And the scene
        Happenings...Quick Takes                                  is not limited to the robins.  Doves, towhees, finches, red-wing
                                                                  blackbirds in their colorful amulets, chickadees, woodpeckers,
        OK, this is becoming an old,                              jays, juncos, all paying the cover, or maybe offering a song for
        tired refrain:  WHAT winter?                              the price of admittance.  The bluebirds have more subtle ways
        This  weekend  is  in  the  80s.                          for courtship, stealthily sneaking a drink before heading back to
        It  is  warmer  than  Miami  or                           their waiting mate.  Since we started our sprinklers six weeks
        Cancun.    Spring  break  in  the                         earlier than usual, the robins are enjoying the appetizer menu of
        Rockies!   And thunder storm predictions for tomorrow!  It is   worms and grubs.  Yum.   Could I have mine with chocolate dip
        mid-March as I am writing this.                           and sprinkles?  Such delicacies remind me of my high school
                                                                  biology banquets that were a good match for realty show chal-
        Lilacs are budding out.  Daffodils are starting to bloom.  The   lenges.
        willow tree is covered in its fuzzy catkins that attract bees by
        the hundreds.  And the wasps are cruising, looking for a date.    The birdy choir rehearsals have begun.  Throw in a few squawk-
        This is the earliest in over 20 years here in Larkspur that we   ing crows, and I am running for my noise cancelling headset.
        have put out the yellow jacket trap.                      Once the wrens chime in, I am all ears to their beyond beautiful
        The fear is that the continued drought will continue past spring
        making for a long summer without our trees getting a good   But wait, things can change on a dime and we can suddenly be
        drink to stay healthy.  No water, the trees become weak and   plunged into winter.  The past two years that has happened and
        mistletoe moves in, draining the trees of moisture, and inviting   killed many of our ornamental trees and bushes.
        the insects.  Ones such as pine beetle, spruce bark beetle, tus-
        socks moth – the one that devastated stands of trees in the Perry   Happenings
        Park area a few years ago, Emerald ash borers, and a plethora   This  is  your  chance  to  partner  with  biologists  in  a  gorgeous
        more can and do kill hundreds of trees.
                                                                                                  Continued on page 19

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