Page 20 - Sentinel August 2017
P. 20

WILD SIDE Continued from page 18                          ing a gene pool bank.  And if you are having difficulty sleeping
        the spotted, and some ones in-between have been prolific in   one night reach for the Boreal Toad Husbandry Manual.
        guaranteeing the continuation of their kind.  And, man, are they
        strutting it!  They are the first to the bird bath when it is freshly   Crows – those Futuristic Planners
        filled, flicking water everywhere as they splash with abandon,   Corvids, or members of the crow family like ravens, and, well,
        making the most of their baths.  And then it is off to Hubby   yes, crows, along with rooks, jays, magpies, and nutcrackers
        Dave’s hot chili pepper and marigold garden to eagerly await   in these parts can and do plan for a rainy day.  These birds are
        the sprinklers to be turned on for more play time.  Then on to   carnivorous, preferring carrion, which is high in their dietary
        the breakfast table where once again they literally throw seed to   requirements like protein and stinky breath.  But they do us a fa-
        the wind with their rambunctious scratching, trying to uncover   vor in cleaning up road kill.  However, Tasmanians (Australia)
        some savory bugs.  After watching them, I feel like taking a   post highway signs warning motorists to watch for slow-flying
        nap.                                                      crows, its most prevalent road kill.  So Tasmanian devils and
                                                                  kangaroos out-perform crows on the road.  Hmmmm...
        After  I  submitted  July’s  wildlife  article,  much  of  it  on  bull
        snakes, Karen Dale, the Sentinel editor, told me that she “need-  Anyway, carrion is not always available and does not last long,
        ed to cut out the deadwood (voles) in my junipers—came whip-  so to survive crows must plan for the lean times.   So, they rely
        ping up the walk, clippers in hand, only to face a LARGE bull   on hoarding.  They must plan what to store, where to store it,
        snake stretched out on the walk.  Back to the garage, back to the   and when to store it.  It’s almost like our financial planning.
        house...those junipers don’t need clipping this year.  And maybe
        he’ll get a vole or two.”                                 Crows have long been known for their ability to acquire, make,
                                                                  and use tools to dig food out of cavities or obscure places.  Re-
        And a couple of days later, we found a four-foot long snake skin   searchers have found that crows can retrieve the right tool from
        outside the front door.  One scaly dude was obviously prepar-  its cache of tools in order to perform the necessary job.  Now,
        ing for expansion after consuming a few fat voles.  And voila!    we are not talking Ryobi or Craftsman, but simple pliable twigs
        There was one running across the front garage apron daring the   to pieces of wire that they bend to make a hook.  The hook
        bull snake to take it.  Our Ollie pooch added to his kill score,   is then used to dig juicy grubs out of old logs, for example.
        catching a fat pocket gopher in the field.                 They will maneuver the hook or tool to more easily retrieve
                                                                  their prize.  Check out this fascinating video on
        Last week I caught a glimpse of a highway caution sign on a
        local news program.  This sign said to watch for boreal toads.
        Say what?  With all my years in Colorado, I have never seen   And amazingly, they can remember where their caches are at,
        or heard of such a critter.  So back to my Funk and Wagnall’s   using landmarks.  Their caches also contain shiny objects to
        (Google these days.)                                      which they are attracted like your car keys or my missing tennis
                                                                  bracelet.  And they are clever enough to use your car key to turn
        Boreal toads are about palm-sized and can be found from 7000   on the ignition to the car.  Fortunately, their legs are too short
                                         feet  altitude  to  12000   to reach the pedals.
                                         feet.    Their  diminish-
                                         ing  populations  have   Short Takes...
                                         placed them on the en-   Have you noticed the wide variety of colors of our resident lady
                                         dangered  species  list   bugs?  Brilliant red, red-orange, yellow, tan, and shades in that
                                         here  in  Colorado  and   spectra.
                                         also  in  New  Mexico
                                         due  to  an  aggressive   Now that the brown-headed cowbirds have populated the nests
                                         fungus  and  lack  of    of unsuspecting other bird species, it is time for them to pick up
                                         habitat.    They  occa-  and leave Dodge.  Whew.  Now there will be less crowding at
                                         sionally can be seen in   the seed feeders.
        the Henderson Mine area.  Efforts at translocation (implanting                   *****
        tadpoles at various locations) have had mixed results.  The site   That’s all, folks, for this month.  Gotta run –  time to put out the
        at Cameron Pass appears to be successful.  If you encounter one,   fifth hummingbird feeder at our house.  The rufous population
        please leave it be.  Take a photograph and contact the Colorado   has arrived at the Peters’ oasis to pig-out during their migration
        Parks and Wildlife to report your finding.  Although they do not   to their winter digs.  And the young-ins of the broadtails and
        have a current study going on, they do partner with other or-  the black-throated hummers are getting into the feeding frenzy
        ganizations including an effort at Colorado State University to   while the grownups scrap over who owns which feeder.
        research aquatic life in Colorado.  Yeah, I know, toads are only
        aquatic when it is breeding time.   And the Department also   How to Contact Me:  Email is best at susan@larskpurconsulting.
        has a facility called the Colorado Parks and Wildlife’s Native   com.  Alternatively, call my cell phone at 303-725-6868 or send
        Aquatic Species Restoration Facility (NASRF) that hosts over   a short write-up to 2255 Quartz Mountain Drive.
        700 adult boreal toads for translocation, research, and maintain-  Boreal toads photo credit:  Brandees

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