Page 20 - Sentinel May 2018
P. 20

WILD SIDE Continued from page 18                          that the cats will lick off their fur, but other animals will not.
                                                                  Hold on to your gasp – they even sell cat skins.
        and determination to keep going until every last one of the inva-
        sive species like rats, stoats, and possums are terminated.
                                                                  Perth, the capital of Western Australia, left us amazed as large
                                                                  flocks of cockatoos flew overhead and congregated in trees of
        An early extinction was that of the moa in 1300-1400 A.D.  This   the parks or along grassy areas.
        was a truly BIG bird, about 12 feet high and weighing over 500
        pounds.  Its demise was from overhunting by the Maori.
                                                                  We ferried to small Rottnest Island off the coast of the Indian
                                                                  Ocean.  It was first recorded by Dutch explorers in the 1600s
        Speaking of, the koi that we cherish and protect from herons,   with the remark that the entire island was run over by large rats,
        snakes, and raccoons, are prohibited, being an invasive species   so it was named “Rottnest” for rat’s island.  The rats are actually
        in the streams and lakes there.
                                                                  cute, small, friendly marsupials, named quokkas.  And yes, the
                                                                  gals have little joeys in their pouches.
        The land of marsupials and raucous birds!  Kangaroos, koala   A trip south to canoe on the Margaret River allowed us lots of
        beers, wallabies, padymelons, and quokkas.  Say what?  And,   viewing opportunities of birds, like the white-breasted pied cor-
        of course, highly venomous snakes and spiders, from which we   morant and the very large highly-soaring wedge-tailed eagle.
        were spared.  We did not venture into the oceans with the great   Lunch included emu, kangaroo, and smoked crocodile.  Crocs
        whites and painfully-stinging jelly fish this trip.  But the mas-  are mainly located in the NW corner of Ozland – far away from
        sive fur seals and frolicking Australian seals provided immense   us – whew.
                                                                  Short Takes
        We re-visited Tasmania for a whiskey tour, which was cancelled   Many reports of hummingbirds have come in from around the
        the day we arrived.  Bummer.  So, we used to time to check out   area.  I am so anxious to try my new feeders which just require
        those growly Tasmanian Devils at a refuge.  They love to fight   some ripe bananas to start providing protein to the hummers
        amongst themselves.   A huge effort is underway to save the   in the form of fruit flies.  But the mornings need to get a little
        species so it does not go the way of the Tasmanian tiger – to ex-  warmer, so that the flies don’t freeze
        tinction.  A rare, viral form of cancer wiped out over 90 percent
        of the Devils.  Their fighting and biting each other was a way to   Be sure to check out the Cherokee Ranch calendar.  They are
        quickly spread the disease.
                                                                  hosting a number of nature walks for various interests.
                                       At  the  same  refuge  we   Reminder:  all that winter coat fur that you are brushing out
                                       delighted in feeding the   of your dog would sure be appreciated by some mama birds,
                                       kangaroos,  who  held      building their nests, and looking for soft material to lay their
                                       our  hands  still  so  that   eggs in.  Just make sure when you toss it into the wind, it is be-
                                       they could easily eat the   ing carried AWAY from you, or you might end up looking like
                                       seed.      One  big  dude,   a shaggy dog – it’s a little early for Halloween.
                                       Alfie  for  Alpha,  used                           *****
                                       the large, wicked claws    That’s all, folks, for this month.  Gotta run.  The wind is at a lull,
                                       on  each  foot  to  strike   finally, and the mass of fur accumulated from our latest Golden
        out at other ‘roos who got too close to the food.  The small and   Retriever foster, Lucy, needs to find a new home.
        shyer Padymelons, a relative of wallabies, showed up for the
                                                                  How to Contact Me:  Email is best at susan@larskpurconsulting.
                                                                  com.  Alternatively, call my cell phone at 303-725-6868 or send
        On the southern coast of Oz, we observed koalas up in the trees   a short write-up to 2255 Quartz Mountain Drive.
        and a large variety of parrots, some tame enough to eat seed
        from our hands.  Occasionally an elusive kookaburra appeared.
        We started seeing the road signs warning of kangaroos, as we
        had in Tasmania, along with road-side carcasses.  We stayed
        on Kangaroo Island, southeast of Adelaide where, guess what?
        They have a zillion kangaroos.  I am used to seeing the tawny
        color, but it turns out that they come in a wide range of colors,               electric
        even Albino with the latter being more susceptible to predators,
        as they stand out from their habitat.
        This island was on a major crusade to eliminate feral cats.  The   Pete Dunbar   1341 Quartz Mountain Drive
        owner of a Eucalyptus-emu farm (emu -another large bird, along                    Larkspur, Colorado 80118
        with the cassowary) said that he caught a cat that was three feet                      303-681-3809
        long nose to the tip of the tail, weighing 40 pounds.  BIG kitty.                    Cell 303-638-6762
        They have put up impressive barriers and have applied poison

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