Page 6 - Sentinel August 2018
P. 6

PET TALK WITH PILAR                                                            ability to process it and lead to se-
        Pilar Starman. DVM...                                                          vere electrolyte disturbances, which
                                                                                       then cause heart problems.
        Too Hot for Spots
                                                                                       If any of my pals out there are not
        Hello  all.    I  asked  my  mom,  Pilar                                       feeling  well  or  your  parents  have
        Starman, to let me write this article                                          questions please call my mom or dad
        because I wanted to share with you the risks of the heat we have               at  Larkspur  Pet  Hospital,  303-681-
        been having (and I’m hoping to get you to come by and give                     3980.
        me treats!).  My name is Frankie. I am a 1.5 year-old Australian
        Cattle Dog cross.

        The temperatures have been so high that my spots are melting
        and I don’t like going outside as much as usual.  When it is this
        warm I need more water after I have been outside.  Risks of   WALT’S WORDS
        overheating include collapse, cardiac disease, blood disorders,   Walt Korinke...
        and multiple system organ failure.  Yikes!  We pups and kit-
        ties (I have one of those creatures in my home) cannot cool   I really should do something with my
        ourselves well.  We don’t sweat like humans do so we can only   life, maybe tomorrow.
        try to cool ourselves by panting.  I can’t reach the thermostat to
        turn on the AC.                                           CASTLE ROCK –  ON – OFF – ON
                                                                  AGAIN!!    Several  misstarts  over  the
        If the pavement is too hot I could burn my feet.  If we’re walk-  past couple of years by Murdoch’s Ranch & Home Supply
        ing in the street (I prefer to be on dirt or grass) my mom or                           to lease the former King
        dad holds their hand to the pavement for a minute before I’m                            Sooper’s building in the
        allowed on it so I don’t burn my dainty paws.  If I had to walk                         Milestone  Center  (188
        on the pavement when it is too hot, booties would help protect                          Founder’s  Parkway)  re-
        my pads.  If my pads are to get burned they may peel and be                             sulted  in  the  store  sit-
        painful.                                                                                ting  vacant  since  King
                                                                                                Sooper  moved  to  their
        I’ve been told by some of my friends that they have been left                           new  Promenade  store
        in a car while their owners run an errand.  Their parents think                         over a year ago.  Without
        they’ll only be gone for a minute, but sometimes they get de-  the anchor, the remaining small stores have been attempting to
        layed.  My puppy pals tell me they feel like they are baking!  If   survive in a “ghost” center with several already departing and
        you must run an errand with your furry child in tow, either take   the remainder generally suffering reduced sales.  The problems
        them with you on the errand or take another human with you   included 1] King Sooper’s ownership, 2] Space too large, 3]
        to stay with them to make sure they do not overheat.  I’ve seen   expensive repairs, conversion cost (especially replacing the an-
        stories on the news about pets and even human children being   tiquated hvac system which included food coolers, to a modern
        cooked to death in cars.  It does not take too long for us dogs to   retail system, and problems with the basement space).  As a
        be overheated.                                            result, a deal could not be made.

        My squash-faced friends (there’s one named Lacy that is very   Sale of the King Sooper store in May to Gary Dragul was at
        energetic)  like  French  and  English  Bulldogs,  Pugs,  Boxers,   first a bonus, but soon after he was charged with nine  felo-
        Shih-Tzus, Pekignese, etc suffer even more in the heat than I   nies related to his conduct in the real estate industry making his
        do.  That’s because they do not have a long nasal passage, they   ownership somewhat a negative.
        tend to have a long soft palate, their nostrils are often too small,
        and  they  may  have  a  small  trachea.    These  signs  are  called   In  June,  the  Castle  Rock  town  council,  in  a  4  to  2  vote  de-
        Brachycephalic Syndrome and cause them to have a much more   cided that the future of this center with its gateway location
        difficult time breathing, so it is very hard for them to pant and   was crucial to the overall success of the Town’s retail corridor
        cool themselves.  Brachycephalic syndrome can be surgically   and voted to provide a four year, 25 percent tax break to Mur-
        addressed to improve their quality of life.               doch’s subject to Murdoch’s signing a 10-year lease for half
                                                                  of the 70,000 square-foot store which in effect provides about
        Some of my buddies like to swim, but not me because it soils   $300,000 economic relief to Murdoch’s initial occupancy cost.
        my lovely coat.  When they are swimming they will drink a lot   This represents about the first year’s net taxable revenue pay-
        of water and sometimes that water can cause a fatal intoxica-  able to the Castle Rock, i.e. a wise investment on the part of the
        tion.  Sounds crazy doesn’t it?  When you’re having fun you do   town.  It won’t be a done deal until you see the interior work
        not always realize what you’re doing can be harmful.  When too   commence and the store open, but it is looking a lot better now
        much water is consumed the water can overwhelm the body’s
                                                                                                   Continued on page 7
        Page 6 - August 2018 Perry Park Sentinel
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