Page 16 - Sentinel Septemberl 2017
P. 16

PET TALK Continued from page 15                           summer weight in the fall. And you thought you had nothing to
                                                                  be grateful for.
        If our pets do escape, they need to have a trustworthy recall
        command so they do not get hurt.  If you are not confident your   The official term for the fall feeding frenzy is called “hyper-
        pet will come back when you call, then training is essential.    phagia.” Our winter survival depends totally on us packing on
        A certified dog trainer will provide assistance if you are not   sufficient fall-time calories to provide enough nourishment to
        satisfied with the training you have used.  Call us if you need a   survive four to five months of not eating while we hibernate.
        recommendation; we know a fantastic trainer.  Even cats can be   It’s kind of like food “fasting” in reverse.
        trained to come on command.
                                                                  After a very dry, hot spring and early summer, the recent cooler
        Dogs, cats, and even smaller pets like birds and ferrets can be   wet weather has provided an ample food supply of berries, in-
        microchipped.  A microchip is a great device to improve the   sects and other natural goodies for us to consume. PLEASE do
        likelihood of your pet finding its way home if it becomes mis-  not feed us.  A fed bear (non-governmental) usually ends up a
        placed.  We were able to reunite three dogs with their families   dead bear – as in gone forever.
        before we even opened the hospital because those dogs had mi-
        crochips.  The microchip is a small device, slightly larger than   Bears in the News
        a grain of rice,  that is implanted with a needle.        The Chicago Bears seem on an upswing heading into their sec-
                                                                  ond preseason game against the Arizona Cardinals. Oops, sorry.
        That microchip contains a unique identifying number that re-  Wrong bears.
        lates to a database with the owner’s information.  The micro-
        chip is only as good as the owner’s information so keep it up   Perry Park/Larkspur, CO Although there have been numerous
        to date.  If your pet has a microchip and you are not sure if the   sighting of black bears in the area by local residents during the
        information is updated, please feel free to stop by the hospital   month of August, no bear/human conflicts have been reported
        so we can scan your pet to provide you the microchip number   to me to date. If you know otherwise, please send me an email
        and registering company.  There should never be a charge to   with an update.
        update your microchip.
                                                                                                       These  pictures
        The microchip we use is called “Save This Life.”  We chose                                     are  local  bear
        that microchip because the microchip number can be Googled.                                    beauties   spot-
        This means if your pet is wearing its microchip tag, is lost, then                             ted  in  the  Perry
        found by someone who does not have a scanner that person can                                   Park  area  this
        google the number to input their information. The registry hot-                                past month.
        line is staffed 24 hours a day, and you will be contacted (by text,
        email, phone) so you can be reunited with your pet quickly.                                    This lovely was
        This allows more rapid return because your pet does not have                                   captured  mak-
        to wait to be scanned by a veterinarian.  This chip also gives the                             ing  a  wake  in
        added benefit of $1000 in Lost Pet Health Insurance.
                                                                  the water of a fa-
        We are so happy to be here to provide care for the furry, feath-  vorite  bear  pond
        ered, and scaly family members in our community.  Thank you   in  the  Larkspur
        all for such a great welcome.  We are excited to be here for you   area.
        for many years.  If you have any questions about any pet-related
        issue, please call us at Larkspur Pet Hospital (303-681-3980).  This  local  black
                                                                  bear  took  a  bath,
        BEAR WISE                                                 then  with  flower
                                                                  in  mouth  saun-
                              Howdy,  neighbors.  Beary  Bear     tered  off  into
                            here.  September  is  known  for  three   the  forest.  Date
                            things: back to school, the beginning   Night?
                            of  Bronco  football  season,  and  the
                            black bear eat-o-rama fest.           Glacier View Ranch – Ward, Colorado. Unfortunately, there was
                                                                  a recent report of a 19-year-old man, identified only as Dylan,
                            This is the time of year when we black   who woke up from a camp sleep out being dragged out of his
                            bears begin to concentrate on putting   sleeping bag by a black bear at Glacier View Ranch. Parks and
                            on the pounds in preparation for our   Wildlife spokeswoman Jennifer Churchill told the Associated
                            winter  hibernation  time.  Normally,   Press the teen punched and hit the bear while other staffers who
                            we  bear  consume  5,000  calories  a   were sleeping nearby yelled and swatted at the wild animal,
                            day, but in the fall, it jumps to 20,000
        calories per day. We can gain up to one and a half times our                              Continued on page 18

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