Page 19 - Sentinel Septemberl 2017
P. 19

WILD SIDE Continued from page 18                          Short Takes
        pregnant does, the deer would migrate away seasonally, return-  Whew.  The main hummingbird frenzy is over, as the adult ru-
        ing to recognize Joe once more and renew their friendship.  fouses have headed south, along with some of the adult broad-
                                                                  tails and black-chinned.  For some reason, this year they seem
        White tail deer have inhabited the earth for six thousand years,   desperate to look and even bang into the windows, like I had
        but mule deer are fairly newcomers, and already they are in   infused their sugar water with fermented cherries.  Maybe be-
        trouble  with  man  as  predators  and  destroyer  of  their  natural   cause they see that inside it is not dripping with rain.
        habitat.  But you would never know this driving through Perry
        Park!                                                                                         After  the  eclipse,
                                                                                                      we  found  a  list-
        What Joe found out is that mule deer experience an entire range                               less young female
        of emotions that include sorrow, despondence, joy, curiosity,                                 broadtail  hummer
        and sheer terror.   It takes a doe weeks to get past the death of a                           in our kitchen.  We
        fawn, often returning to its remains.  And a fawn losing a moth-                              promptly whisked
        er is heart-breaking, as it desperately searches for its mother.                              her  up  and  held
        Their lives depend on finding her or another means to survive.                                 her  in  a  napkin
                                                                                                      while  trying  to
        Eventually Joe had to return to the society of human beings,                                  feed her sugar wa-
        but not before he left us with an incredible look inside that of   ter from an eye dropper.  I was wondering how I was going to
        mule  deer  and  some  photography  of  the  beautiful Wyoming   get her mouth open.  But, WHA LA!  Her diminutive beak fit
        landscape that many of them occupy.                       right inside the dropper.   After about 10 minutes, her long, tiny
                                                                  tongue started darting out to lap up the food.  Then three times
        At a previous time, Joe got up close and personal with turkeys   she opened her beak to about 120 degrees and I was able to put
        in the same manner.  That, too, is documented and filmed.  It   drops of sugar water down her throat.  It still took about another
        makes you want to try the same with our burgeoning turkey   30 minutes for her to really open her eyes and start moving her
        flocks, still frequently seen by the road and in the road.  Just   wings.  We put her outside on the napkin on a dish and watched.
        some cracked corn should do the trick.                                                    Continued on page 20

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                                                                          Perry Park Sentinel September 2017 - Page 19
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