Page 16 - Sentinel Novemberl 2017
P. 16

BEAR WISE Continued from page 14                          primary bio-alarm clock encouraging us to wake up and smell
                                                                  the bacon – so to speak. By the way, whether awake or asleep,
                                                                  bacon always speeds up my heart rate and breathing!  But I

                                                                  It’s important to know that the whole reason we slumber down
                                                                  during cold winter months is nature’s way of protecting us from
                                                                  starving due to little or no vegetation and insects once freezing
                                                                  temperatures occur. And you thought if was just to give you a
                                                                  respite from our sometimes annoying antics.

                                                                  If the weather remains warm or an extended warming trend de-
                                                                  velops during winter, it’s not uncommon for us bears to leave
                                                                  our cozy dens for a mid-winter snack. We will usually not wan-
                                                                  der far from our winter den havens – maybe up to a few hun-
                                                                  dred yards or so. If you see one of us up and around during the
                                                                  up-coming winter period, we are probably denning close by, so
        During warm winters, we bearly barely sleep.              you party animals keep the noise down!
        Colorado black bears are not true hibernators, but instead slip
        into what’s called a “torpor” during the cold winter months.    Beware: The national weather forecast center is predicting a
        Even so, we often refer to ourselves as hibernators.
                                                                  warmer than usual winter for the state of Colorado this year. If
                                                                  this is true, it may not be unusual to see us up and out looking
        Similar  to  true  hibernators,  while  in  our  altered  torpor-nator   for food. Therefore, continue to practice the same good bear
        state, our metabolism slows to a crawl (heart rate and breathing   safety rules as you do during summer months: Garbage cans
        is nearly undetectable), but we can be awakened immediately
        if conditions are right.  Unusually warm winter weather is the                            Continued on page 17

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