Page 19 - Sentinel Novemberl 2017
P. 19

WILD SIDE Continued from page17                           That’s all, folks, for this month.  Gotta run – the black widow
                                                                  spiders need some encouragement to go brave the cold...
        our place.  Check out the photo of their waiting at the front door.
        They were early, so were not invited into our warm abode.  But   How to Contact Me:  Email is best at susan@larskpurconsulting.
        they have kept hanging around waiting to be part of Thanksgiv-  com.  Alternatively, call my cell phone at (303) 725-6868 or
        ing, unwittingly not knowing which part.  Actually, I think that   send a short write-up to 2255 Quartz Mountain Drive.
        they have discovered bird seed that has been flung out of the
                                                                    Computer Support
                                                                    Computer Support
                                                                    Computer Support
        feeders by the sloppier birds like the towhees and jays.
        Short Takes
        One Alaskan Nanook-of-the-North resident was quite surprised
        by  a  litter  of  lynxes  rampaging  over  his  deck.   You  have  to   When you need it. Where you need it.
        see the video:     Local, hometown computer support for your home or
        world/national/article176426366.html                         office. Larkspur resident with 35 years of computer and
                                                                    customer support experience. Fair and honest service.
        We have had pictures of bobcats on neighbors’ decks, and I once
        saw a very large short-tailed kitty running across our property.    HARDWARE SUPPORT: System troubleshooting & repair, Upgrade
        It took a second to realize that I was looking at a bobcat and   analysis & recommendations, Laptop, LCD Monitor & Electronic
        just at that instant another one ran along the same path.  Whew.    repairs, Network hardware installation & configuration.
        Thank goodness, our pups were investigating other wonders of   SOFTWARE SUPPORT:  ALL versions of MS Windows desktops,
        nature.  But bobcats can climb and so far, climbing trees is only    RedHat Linux operating systems.  Virus, Malware & Spyware

        in our dogs’ dreams – to go where all squirrels go. So of course,   removal, User Data Recovery and transfer , System Administration
        the bobcats would win.                                      training, Assistance with application software problems.

        Speaking of snakes, our next-door neighbor said that she found            Black Bear DigitalBlack Bear Digital
        five bull snake-sized skins near her front door.   Considering the
        abundance of rodents in this area, this has got to be a haven to           FREE TELEPHONE CONSULTATION!
        raise happy bull snakes.  And the frequent visits and howling
        of the coyotes will back up the happy rodent hunting ground                    303.681.9432
        November 1st in more easterly Larkspur usually marks the end        THE PERRY PARK SENTINEL
        of the bear foraging, as the bruins don their winter jams and
        now discuss rental terms for a cozy den to sleep off their newly
                                                                   DEADLINES:    All  articles  are  due  the  20th  of  each
        acquired layer of fat – I wish it was that easy for homo sapiens.        month.
        Folks living more up in the foothills will probably see them
        awake later, as that is where the prime bear real estate is.             Display Ads - the 15th of each month with art
                                                                                 and payment due by the 20th.

        Once the fresh bear poop plops have ceased, bird feeders can
                                                                                 Classified Ads - due the 20th of the month.
        be left out overnight and additional morsels introduced like suet

        cakes and seed blocks.  You might want to try a suet cake first
                                                                   Editor:        Karen Dale 303-681-2504
        in a spot that will leave your deck intact should a bear still be
                                                                                  email -
        waiting for manna from heaven.  The ability of the suet cake to
                                                                   Advertising/     Diane Jauch 303-663-1867
        survive will prove that it is safe to leave out feeders.
                                                                   Business Mgr.:   email -
                                                                   Proofreaders:    Michael Stone, Terry Brownfield and
                             Another gift suggestion for holiday                  John Cochran
                             early shoppers:  Duncraft sells squir-
                             rel  chairs
                             in several                             The Perry Park Sentinel staff reserves the right to refuse
                             styles.                                any article or advertising submission.
                             I    pur-
                             chased                               The Sentinel invites your letters, comments and ideas for columns. Deadline
                             one,  but                            for advertising is the 15th of each month, and editorial copy is the 20th of each
                             have  yet                            month. Letters should be limited to 300 words. Because of space limitation
                                                                  and legal ramifications, we reserve the right to edit any submitted material and
        to try it out since its target location
                                                                  cannot assure that submissions will be printed verbatim or unedited.
        will be on a deck currently being re-
                                                                   The Sentinel will correct all errors occuring in the paper. If you find a
        built and away from the usual corn-
                                                                   problem with a story - an error of fact, or a point requiring clarification,
        hungry critters.  Check out a couple here.  The Adirondack chair   please call a member of the Editorial Staff. The opinions expressed in the
        is particularly a nice touch for the design-conscious squirrel.  Sentinel  are not necessarily the opinions of the staff or its advertisers.
                                                                         Perry Park Sentinel Novemberr 2017 - Page 19
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