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                                STACLE  CHALLENGE  on             The annual concerts in Limbach Park are held in Monument
                                Saturday,  July  7th  and  Sunday,   7-9 p.m. every Wednesday in July. A different band plays each
                                July 8th will be held at Philip S.   week and there are food trucks if you’re hungry. Bring some
                                Miller Park in Castle Rock. Par-  cash to toss in the hats we pass. This series depends on the gen-
                                ticipants can traverse rock walls,   erosity of those who attend and of our sponsors. Take Monu-
                                army  crawl  through  mud  pits,   ment exit 161 and head west on Highway 105 which becomes
        rope swing over water, scale up rugged cargo nets, dodge float-  Second  Street.  Continue  straight  on  Second  Street  to  Front
        ing cannonballs, and more. Give your kids the chance to release   Street. Limbach Park will be on your left before you reach the
        their inner beast and push themselves, all while getting covered   railroad tracks.
        in mud together as a family! Prepare to Brave Your Adventure
        and have some family fun! Register your child and yourself -   THE  LARKSPUR  FREE  LIBRARY,  AKA  BOOK  EX-
        parents/legal guardians - participate for FREE! It’s like getting   CHANGE,  is  open  on  Saturdays,  10  a.m.  to  2  p.m.  and  on
        3 for the price of 1.  For registration and additional information   Thursdays, 5 to 8 p.m. The Exchange is located at 9524 Spruce
        see       Mountain Road, in the old Town Hall Annex on the east side
                                                                  of the road. Plenty of parking in the back. The Book Exchange
        JULY MUSIC NIGHTS IN LARKSPUR PARK: The town              has over 7000 volumes of adult fiction (from lady’s romances
        of Larkspur and the Larkspur Chamber of Commerce present an   to classic literature) and nonfiction (categories such as history,
        evening of free entertainment, Friday, July 13, 6:30-8:30 p.m.    biography,  travel,  crafts,  and  many  more),  and  600  volumes
        Music from the Country Music Project, food from a variety of   for children, young readers, and young adults. And all for free.
        vendors. Bring your camping chairs and join your neighbors.   That’s  right. An  entire  building  of  free  books.  No  cards,  no
        On Friday, July 27, come back to the park, 6:30-8:30, for a con-  check out, no due dates, no overdue fines. Free. And no need
        cert by Rascal Martinez, playing a wide array of classic rock as   to bring one to take as many as you can carry, because we have
        well as his original material.                            plenty. In addition, the Book Exchange has a collection of rare
                                                                  and valuable volumes offered for sale; the perfect splurge for
        STARLIGHT SUMMER MOVIE: Saturday, July 14, Coco           a book lover. All proceeds to benefit and support the Book Ex-
        being shown in Festival Park, 300 Second Street, Castle Rock.   change. Come and check out what everyone is talking about.
        Street fair starts at 6 p.m. Movie starts at dusk. Free.  For more information, contact Cindy at 303-681-3046 or Krys-
                                                                  tine at 413-348-3579.
        PERRY  PARK  BOOK  CLUB  will  meet  on  Tuesday,  July          New Mailing Address  Effective July 3,2018
        17, 10 a.m. at the home of Carrie Murdoch 6619 Wauconda                    Perry Park Sentinel
        Drive in Perry Park Ranch. The book for discussion is The Oth-              c/o Diane Jauch
        er Einstein by Marie Benedict, a fictional portrayal of Albert          12637 Washington Lane #F2
        Einstein’s first wife, Mileva Mari, a physicist in her own right.          Englewood, Co 80112
        The book for August is Wonder by R. J. Palacio, a novel about
                                                                    Computer Support
                                                                    Computer Support
        a ten-year old boy’s struggle to be “ordinary.”  Both books are
        part of the DC library’s Book Club Express program, so copies   Computer Support
        are available locally.  New members and visitors are always
        welcome.  For addition information, see the group’s website:            When you need it. Where you need it.
                                                                     Local, hometown computer support for your home or
        ART HOP IN DOWNTOWN MONUMENT: July 19, 2018,                 office. Larkspur resident with 35 years of computer and
        5-8 p.m. in downtown Monument. On the 3rd Thursdays, May    customer support experience. Fair and honest service.
        through  September,  galleries,  restaurants  and  unique  shops
        within the historic downtown Monument stay open until 8 p.m.   HARDWARE SUPPORT: System troubleshooting & repair, Upgrade
        Enjoy special events such as book signings, demonstrations, art   analysis & recommendations, Laptop, LCD Monitor & Electronic
        displays, live music and great food specials.               repairs, Network hardware installation & configuration.
                                                                    SOFTWARE SUPPORT:  ALL versions of MS Windows desktops,
        PERRY PARK RANCH COMMUNITY GARAGE SALE,                     RedHat Linux operating systems.  Virus, Malware & Spyware

        Saturday July 21 and Sunday July 22, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. each day.    removal, User Data Recovery and transfer , System Administration
        See additional information in this issue on page  5.        training, Assistance with application software problems.

        CASTLE  ROCK  FARMERS’  MARKET:  SATURDAYS                                Black Bear DigitalBlack Bear Digital
        through September, 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Douglas County High
        School on Front Street.  For additional information and a Colo-            FREE TELEPHONE CONSULTATION!
        rado crop calendar (what is available when!) see https://www.                                         303.681.9432

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