Page 6 - Sentinel July 2018
P. 6

A SPECIAL REQUEST FROM                                    BIRD FEEDERS:
                                                                  - PLEASE remove bird feeders. Bringing feeders inside at night
                                                                  only partially addresses the problem.
                                                                  BBQ GRILLS:
        Colorado Parks and Wildlife is reaching out with a special re-
                                                                  - Place grills inside a locked building.
        quest for your help. Over the last few weeks there has been
                                                                  - Clean grills immediately after use.
        an increase in bear activity in your neighborhood. At least two
                                                                  PETS / OUTSIDE ANIMALS:
        young black bears (one black in color and one blonde in color)
                                                                  - Feed pets and store their food inside a lockable building.
        have been making visits to trash cans, bird feeders, BBQ grills
                                                                  - Monitor small pets when they are outside and not in an en-
        and other food-based items. These animals are showing an in-
        creasing tolerance of humans and an increasing desire to seek
                                                                  - Any outdoor animals such as rabbits or fowl should be inside
        out human-based food sources. Bears are driven by their desire
                                                                  an enclosed pen (with a top) at all times and placed in a lock-
        to eat and the behavior of these two particular bears is steadily
                                                                  able coup at night. Consider electric fencing to deter bears from
        deteriorating away from their natural habits. This deteriorating
                                                                  testing the fence construction.
        behavioral pattern increases the proximity, conflict and poten-
                                                                  AROUND THE HOME:
        tial risk to people. Please help break this cycle before animals
                                                                  - Close and lock ground floor windows at night.
        have to be euthanized. Bears are a fact of life in the Larkspur
                                                                  - Close all doors into garages at all times.
        area, so for your safety and the preservation of your local wild-
                                                                  - Do not keep any edible or scented items in any car parked
        life  please  consider  the  following  suggestions  that  will  help
                                                                  outside a garage.
        minimize conflicts in your area:
                                                                  HAZE THEM TO SAVE THEM:
                                                                  - When you see a bear take a quick picture if you like but then
                                                                  run them off before they learn humans will tolerate them getting
        - Store trash containers inside closed buildings.
                                                                  into things they shouldn’t. Yell, wave your arms, rattle a can of
        - Wash out trash containers 1-2 times a month. Pour a small
                                                                  pennies, use an air horn, a car horn... go crazy! These are smart
        amount of ammonia in the cans to reduce food smells.
                                                                  animals; they will know whether or not they are welcome to
        - Only place trash containers outside the DAY OF trash pickup,
        not the night before.                                                                      Continued on page 7
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