Page 10 - Sentinel July 2018
P. 10

WORDS Continued from page 8                               fic through the Town.  Vehicles have been clocked passing the
                                                                  fire station at 60 to 70 miles per hour.  Under consideration
        middle of the Promenade shops at the top of the hill in Castle   are speed bumps or speed depressions (fire station and mobile
        Rock.  Operating as both a catalog retailer and a brick and mor-  home park), stop signs, rumble strips, etc.  Perhaps a town mar-
        tar store chain operated by the TJX Companies, the 32-year old   shal for ticketing i.e. Palmer Lake where the policing operation
        STP markets items from over 3,000 name brand manufactures   is pretty much funded by speeders, while effecting a strong ef-
        featuring outdoor clothing, boots, cooking and camping gear.
                                                                  fort to traffic control.
                                         It  is  really  happen-  MONUMENT – With nary a peep from town residents, the
                                         ing  –  the  Arapahoe                                 Pilot Truck Stop races to
                                         Community  College                                    completion at the s/w/c of
                                         joint  operation  with                                Baptist Road and I-25.  It
                                         Colorado  State  Uni-                                 is quite an upgrade from
                                         versity and the Doug-                                 the old truck stop located
                                         las  County  School                                   directly across the street.
                                         District  broke  ground                               Among  its  amenities  is
                                         on  the  new  $50  mil-  an Arby’s Restaurant, and Pilot has applied to the Town for a
                                         lion  “Collaboration     3.2 beer permit.  Pumps are in and I would expect an opening
        Campus.”    The site is on the 14 acres on Limelight Avenue,   within the next 90 days.  Meanwhile, Monument continues its
        just behind the Castle Rock Adventist Hospital.  The first phase   political battle with a replacement mayor, and a Town Council
        of the two-building project is pegged to be in operation by the   where half the members are failing to attend meetings, lacking a
        Fall of 2019.  Initial offerings will be in the areas of Business   quorum and no meetings are being held.  Isn’t politics fun?
        &  Entrepeneurship,  Health  Care,  InformatioTechnology/Pro-
        graming, General Education and Workforce Training.   CSU   COLORADO  SPRINGS  –  Joining  the  long  list  of  tenants
        will lease space on the campus where students will be able to               (Costco,  Kohl’s,  Lowes,  Stein  Mart,
        perform  research,  get  internship  opportunities  and  complete           etc.)  at  the  University  Village  Shop-
        hands-on project work.  The Town of Castle Rock is also par-                ping Center located at Nevada Avenue
        ticipating in the development of the Campus with an in-kind                 just north of Garden of the Gods, is the
        $3 million investment via reimbursement of permits/fees/and                 Duluth  Trading  Company.    Opened
        some site improvements i.e. utilities, grading and parking.
                                                                                    at  the  end  of
                                                                                    April,  adjacent
        PERRY  PARK  –  Douglas  County  has  completed  plans  for                 Stein Mart, this
        the  roadway  changes  to                                                   is   Colorado’s
        the  entrance  and  will  be                                                second    Du-
        working  with  the  Metro                                                   luth store; their
        District to commence their                                                  first   opened
        construction later this sum-                              in Thornton last year.  They are open
        mer (hopefully).  This also                               7 days a week 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. (11-5
        permits  the  Metro  District                             Sundays)  with  a  large  collection  of
        to  start  forming  plans  for                            casual and work clothing for men and women including their
        the front area which have been stalled for the past couple of   “Longtail  T-shirt  with  3  extra  inches  to  cover  a  ‘plumber’s
        years pending the county’s final resolution.  The Park is also   but.” The company was founded in 1989 in Duluth, Minnesota,
        scheduled for a total paving overlay this year, similar to what   as a catalog-only retailer and later moved its headquarters and
        was done last year in Perry Park East.  The Metro Board is at   distribution to scenic Belleville, Wisconsin. The founders were
        full staffing with the appointment of new Cheyenne Drive resi-  two brothers working in the construction industry who saw a
        dent, Sean King, and the new resident committees formed and   need and started their retail exposure with a “Bucket Boss,” a
        being formed by the District are bringing more active resident   canvas tool organizer that fit over a drywall bucket.  This was
        participation in the various activities and duties of the District   followed by an eight-page catalog along the same line and grew
        – join up!
                                                                  into today’s Duluth Trading Company.
        LARKSPUR – At the suggestion of Captain Jim Jensen of the                           The first building to complete
                                       Douglas  County  Sher-                               and  open  at  the  Academy
                                       iff’s  Department,  the                              Gateway development at the
                                       Larkspur  Town  Coun-                                corner of Struthers and North-
                                       cil  will  be  researching                           Gate  is  a  very  modern  Star-
                                       a  variety  of  options  to                          bucks.      You  can  buy  your
                                       the  excessive  speeds                               favorite coffee from 5 a.m. to
                                       along  Spruce  Mountain
        Road, especially during I-25 accidents that shift highway traf-                           Continued on page 11
        Page 10 - July 2018 Perry Park Sentinel
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