Page 5 - Sentinel July 2018
P. 5

PERRY PARK RANCH                Sarah Heckathorn and Kathy Meyer are both local.  Sarah only
                                  COMMUNITY  GARAGE               handles  small  mammals,  especially  squirrels,  raccoons  and
                                  SALE                            foxes.    Her  number  is  719-440-4476.  Kathy  only  takes  bun-
                                  Saturday July 21 and            nies.  She can be reached at 303-726-7897. A little farther away,
                                  Sunday July 22                  Linda Cope inBlack Forest  is a great, resource for deer and un-
                                  9 a.m.-3 p.m. each day          gulates but she will only take in fawns for rehab, no adult deer.
                                                                  Her number is719-495-4477. Heather Brown in Parker (303-
                                                                  840-7194) is a good contact for birds.
                                  TO  PARTICIPATE  AS  A
                                                                  There is a complete list of 2017 rehabbers in the files of the
                                                                  Larkspur Wildlife page at Facebook. It will be updated when
                                  To  Register:  Phone  or  Text   the 2018 list is released.
                                  Craig Van Doorn at 918-697-
                                  9751.                           The “lost” babies you will likely encounter this time of year are
                                  We have to prepare a map or     fawns. You may come across them all alone, seemingly “aban-
                                  listing  of  each  location  and   doned” by Mom. LEAVE THE FAWN ALONE! Mom parks the
        prepare signs for main intersections to get people directed to the   kid in a safe place and plans to return. Do not disturb the fawns
        streets that have sales.  Each individual garage sale will have   unless you are sure a fawn in in distress.  Here’s the test:  “Ears
        to supply ITS own yard sign to get potential customers. Dave   are straight, fawn is great. Ears are curled, fawn alone in the
        Gardner has approximately 25 signs that can work in the yards,   world.” Look at the ears before picking up a fawn. It takes a few
        but they are not directional. To pay for the additional signs and   days of not eating for the ears to curl.
        cost of printing the maps or listings, we are asking for a $5
        registration fee. We had the T-shirt signs made last year but we
        never had anyone donate wood or labor to build the signs, so
        that is something we are asking for again this year. Donations of
        wood and labor will be accepted immediately. Some of the local
        realtors and businesses are willing to become sponsors again
        this year, and some real estate open houses will occur during the
        sale to bring more people into the area. Also, it was suggested
        that the community garage sale happen on one of the weekends
        of the Renaissance Festival because of higher traffic counts.

        The Metro Board has stated that all signs need to be picked up
        as soon as the sales are over on Sunday. Because of advertising
        deadlines, each garage sale will have to be registered by July
        8, 2018.

        Again, to register call or text Craig at 918-697-9751. Hopefully,
        we can have another year of good attendance with no water
        main breaks on Wauconda


        If you discover a young animal you think needs help, DO NOT
        CALL THE DIVISION OF WILDLIFE! Instead, go to the Ani-
        mal Help Now website and let them direct you to a solution.
        Bookmark the website.  Consult it if you have any concerns
        about a local animal or bird.                                    Feel and look your best with
                                                                        help from Full Circle Larkspur

        It is particularly important that you understand DOW policy                    fc
        is to not interfere with nature.  They will not help you with a
        wounded fawn.  They may simply put it down. They also will
        not help you with a fawn or other animal baby you think is           pilates • yoga • massage
        There are also local rehabbers who may be able to help you.

                                                                                 Perry Park Sentinel July 2018 - Page 5
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