Page 8 - Sentinel July 2018
P. 8

PET TALK Continued from page 6                            WALT’S WORDS
                                                                  Walt Korinke...
        rattlesnake), and the Massasauga rattlesnake.  The prairie rat-
        tler is found in just about every habitat less than 9000 feet, the
        western rattler is found mostly at the CO/UT line, and the Mas-        No  other  date  on
        sasauga in the sandy southwest.                                        the  calendar  more
                                                                               potently  symbolizes
                                                                               all  that  our  nation
                                          Bull  snakes  mimic
                                          rattlers   by   shak-                stands  for  than  the
                                          ing  their  tails  in  the           Fourth of July.
                                          grass  but  will  not   Mac Thornberry
                                          injure  you  or  your
                                          dog.    Please  do  not   CASTLE ROCK –  Another BIG CHANGE is coming to Cas-
                                          injure these creatures   tle  Rock’s  downtown
                                          just because they are   skyline and the grow-
                                          there.                  ing interest in living in
                                                                  the downtown core of
                                          Rattlers  are  native   town.  Just two blocks
                                          to CO and should be
                                          respected, but not de-
                                          spised.  They serve a                            south  of  the  RiverGate  rental
                                          valuable  service  in                            multi-family  project  which  is
                                          keeping  the  rodent                             near topping out the first phase
                                          population   under                               of construction, a major condo-
                                          control.    There  are                           minium  project  is  now  on  the
                                          several  precautions                             drawing board.  The area across
                                          that should be taken                             the  street  from  Granelli’s  and
                                          to  keep  ourselves                              The Union, the block currently
                                          and our dogs safe:                               occupied  by  Castle  Rock  Li-
                                          1)  Stay  on  the  trail                         quors, Rocky Mountain Oil, and
                                          and  keep  your  dog    Meineke Car Care, along with the rear parcel currently used by
        on a short leash.                                         the Town Hall for parking is designated to become a $72 mil-
        2) Avoid rocky terrain, dense brush, and areas filled with tall   lion, 93-125 unit condominium project, Festival Park Com-
        grass.  Watch where you put your hands and feet as rattlers like   mons.  The project will include 22,000 square feet of first floor
        to hide.                                                  retail and 17,500 square feet of office space.  The added parking
        3) Wear hiking boots, thick socks, and long pants to protect   is a real bonus for this tight location with 125 condo parking
        yourself.                                                 spaces, 59 commercial spaces, and an impressive 300 public
        4) If you meet a snake, don’t harass it.  Calmly back away and   parking spaces.  The developer, Castle Brae Development, is
        leave.  Rattlesnakes attack when they feel threatened.    working  with  the  the  Downtown  Development  Authority  to
        5) If you or your dog is bitten, limit activity as best as possible.    address the ear shattering train whistle blasts that announce a
        Walk or carry (be carried) to your car and seek immediate medi-  passing train at the back of the parcel with a $900,000 con-
        cal help.  Antivenin may be recommended.                  tribution towards instating a “railroad quiet zone,” which will
        6)  Keep  your  veterinarian’s  phone  number  and  address  with   benefit the neighborhood as a whole.  The two- acre site plan
        you.  Identify a source for 24-hour care in case your veterinar-  has an ‘H’ shape 410,000 sq. ft. building design with an open
        ian is not available.                                     garden and open courtyard.  One-bedroom units are 900 square
        7) Vaccinate your dog for rattlesnake venom.              feet, one + one units are 1,100 square feet, two- bedroom units
                                                                  range in size from 1,200 to 1,600 square feet and there will be a
                                                                  3,600 square foot club house with a pool in the courtyard.
        The rattlesnake vaccine is available at Larkspur Pet Hospital.
        Initially, the vaccine needs to be administered, then given again
        four weeks later.  If the dog is under 25 pounds or over 100   You  will  no  longer
        pounds, a third dose should be administered.  An annual vac-  have to go to Univer-
        cine should then be done about 30 days prior to onset of snake   sity Avenue in Green-
        season, early April in this environment.  Larkspur Pet Hospital   wood Village to shop
        also carries antivenin should your dog need it.           at  the  Sierra  Trad-
                                                                  ing  Post  which  is  in
                                                                  the  process  of  fitting
        Please call your local Larkspur Pet Hospital at 303-681-3980
        with any questions.                                       out the former, never occupied, Sports Authority space in the

                                                                                                  Continued on page 10
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