Page 14 - Sentinel July 2018
P. 14

JUNE NEWS FROM                                            NEWS FROM THE LARKSPUR
        THE WATER DISTRICT                                        FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT
        Jim Matchett...                                           Cindy Applegate,
                                                                  Secretary-Board of Directors...
        The  June  regular  board  meeting  of  the
        Perry  Park  Water  &  Sanitation  District               The Larkspur Fire Protection District
        was held on the 20th with all directors                   (LFPD)  Board  of  Directors  and  staff
        present. The meeting was called to order                  are  extremely  grateful  to  our  local
        at 4:30 p.m., and the first order of busi-                 taxpayers for their continued support.
        ness was the approval of the minutes of                   LFPD  has  worked  hard  to  be  frugal
        the  May16th  Regular  Board  Meeting,                    and  effective  in  allocating  the  local
        which was unanimous. Next, Eric Barnes                    funding that we receive.
        of Fiscal Focus Partners, LLC, was in at-
        tendance  to  review  their  2017  audit  of              In November of 2015 seventy-one percent of you voted in favor
        the district. He advised the board there were no adjustments to   of a 3.95 mill levy increase to address LFPD’s operating needs.
        the district’s financial statements.                       This increase in funding has helped tremendously in increasing
                                                                  and maintaining the level of service we are able to provide for
        The district manager, Diana Miller, then requested the board   you. Unfortunately, due to the synergistic effects of two previ-
        authorize the purchase of a 2018 Jeep Cherokee to replace the   ously enacted modifications of the Colorado Constitution, the
        district’s present 1999 Jeep Cherokee as due to its age and mile-  Gallagher and TABOR amendments, the revenue received from
        age of 145,000, there are concerns of reliability and safety. The   the mill levy increase you voted for is in jeopardy.
        board unanimously approved $23,000 for this purchase. Dis-
        bursements  totaling  $194,471.64  were  then  unanimously  ap-  If a solution to the negative effects of these two amendments
        proved.                                                   is  not  achieved  at  state  or  local  levels,  special  fire  districts
                                                                  throughout Colorado will be unable to provide adequate levels
        The district has long had the standard of K Copper for use in   of service.
        service lines. Recent developments and requests from residents
        building their new homes has prompted consideration of High   The LFPD Board of Directors is NOT considering pursuing
        Density Polyethylene (HDPE) piping material as an alternative   a mill levy increase ballot measure. Instead, the proposal
        to the K Copper. After a thorough technical review with the dis-  being considered is an effort to stabilize the District’s future
        trict’s engineering consultants, the district will now approve the   funding.
        use of HDPE piping meeting the specifications now included in
        the district’s standards for HDPE service lines. Next, the board   The primary benefits of the proposed voter-approved measure
        unanimously ratified an Easement Agreement and Deed with   would include:
        Sun Jelly-Larkspur CO RV LLC for manhole and sewer main   * Continuing to deliver service to all residents, businesses, and
        pipe near the Sage Port Waste Water Treatment Plant.      visitors in the LFPD by providing an evolving and adaptable
                                                                  level of coverage with around-the-clock on-duty resources.
        A district customer had advised the district manger by letter of   * Attracting and retaining paid employees who are seasoned
        operational issues with a shared sewer tap. After discussion, the   emergency  responders  and  avoiding  vacant  emergency  re-
        board requested the manager respond to the customer with two   sponder positions.
        options to correct the problems. The District Systems Report   *  Maintaining  emergency  response  apparatus  and  equipment
        for May, as submitted by Semocor, was then reviewed. Opera-  and replacing outdated and unreliable apparatus and equipment
        tions were noted as normal. The Monthly Staff Report as sub-  to better protect both residents and emergency responders.
        mitted by District Manager Miller was then reviewed. The Ban-  * Extending the life and safety of LFPD’s fire stations and re-
        nock Road Lift Station Bid Tabulation report was discussed as   ducing the need for emergency repairs by continuing the Dis-
        the bids received were considerably higher than the engineering   trict’s current scheduled maintenance program.
        estimates. Fourteen permits have now been issued year-to-date,   * Protecting LFPD’s volunteer firefighter recruiting capabili-
        compared to ten at this time last year. Finally, work has started   ties and training program, ensuring that the District is able to
        on the Sageport Waste Water Treatment Plant and Country Club   continue its successful efforts to attract the highest quality can-
        Loop  projects,  and  commencement  of  work  on  the  Bannock   didates.
        Lift Station will begin shortly.
                                                                  If nothing is done, an imminent funding shortfall resulting from
        The  meeting  was  adjourned  at  6:10  PM. As  always,  further   the  effects  of  Gallagher  and TABOR  will  create  many  chal-
        information is available on the district website, www.ppwsd.  lenges including:
        org.                                                      * Existing employees of the Fire District will actively pursue
                                                                  other career options. The district will struggle to attract expe-
                                                                  rienced firefighters, paramedics and EMT’s because decreased
                                                                                                  Continued on page 15
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