Page 17 - Sentinel July 2018
P. 17

OUT OF SERVICE Continued from page 16                     Sean King – Secretary

        include Cunningham Fire Protection District merging with the   Also, in attendance:
        South Metro Fire Rescue Authority and the Snowmass-Wildcat   Kurt Schlegel; Special District Solutions, LLC
        Fire Protection District consolidating with the Basalt and Ru-  Keith Worley
        ral Fire Protection Districts. (  Tony Perconti
                                                                  Sherri Perconti
                                                                  Steve Rea
        4. Researching the Legality of Gallagher Due to Disparate Im-
        pact                                                      The full meeting minutes are available on http://perrypark.
        Disparate impact typically refers to practices adversely impact-  org/metro-district/meetings/
        ing one group of people of a protected characteristic over an-
        other. Specific to Gallagher, the argument would be that the   COMMITTEE UPDATES:
        unbalanced 55/45 commercial to residential ratio is driven pri-
        marily by Front Range properties, thus having a disparate im-  Firewise Committee:
        pact on rural districts throughout the rest of Colorado.
                                                                  Section 2 of slash pickup program is underway.  Slash piles that
                                                                  remain in Section 1 are either contaminated or located where
        “I think disparate impact could be grounds to look at Gallagher   the slash cannot be moved easily.  For more information on the
        and say ‘this could be unconstitutional,’ ” stated Bruce Evans,   slash pickup schedule and rules, please reference http://per-
        Fire Chief of the Upper Pine River Fire Protection District in
        Bayfield, Colorado.
                                                                  The Metro District has received 16 applications so far for resi-
        More research needs to occur to determine if disparate impact   dent mitigation grants, and all have been approved.  There are
        could be used to offset the impacts of the Gallagher Amend-  still 14 grants available for 2018.  If you are interested, please
        ment on the smaller rural fire protection districts in Colorado.
                                                                  go  to
                                                                  mitgation-grants/ to find the application.
        Regardless of which path a fire protection district chooses, one
        thing remains clear: doing nothing is not an alternative.
                                                                  For those that may have missed it, Channel 4 in Denver ran a
                                                                  story on Perry Park being one of the first Firewise communities
        “Somebody needs to fix Gallagher,” stated Gypsum (Colorado)   in the country.  You can watch the story on the Channel 4 web-
        Fire Protection District Fire Chief Kirkland, quoted in the April   site at
        18, 2018, edition of the Vail Daily Weekly.  “We made promises   perry-park-residents-mitigating-wildfire-danger
        to our citizens when we did our mill levy question, but now the
        money is going away.”
                                                                  New evacuation route signage is coming soon as the current
                                                                  signage is too small and inconspicuous for residents not famil-
        And along with it the quality of fire protection services.
                                                                  iar with the route(s).  PPMD will be sponsoring an evacuation
                                                                  route  tour  this  summer  in  cooperation  with  Douglas  County
        [Mike Grill has been involved in fire and emergency services   Sheriff’s Office of Emergency Management.  For a preview,
        since 1986 and has authored numerous articles for Fire and   you  can  find  the  evacuation  route  at
        EMS trade journals. He is the co-author of two books: Fire   safety/emergency-evacuation/
        Service First Responder and First Responder Resiliency.]
                                                                  Parks and Recreation Committee:
        REPORT FROM THE                                           The Parks and Recreation committee is getting close to creating
        METRO DISTRICT BOARD                                      a survey to gather feedback from Perry Park Metro residents
                                                                  as to their views on which projects would be most valuable to
        Sean King, Secretary, PPMD...                             the community.  Look for the survey in your inbox early in Au-
        JUNE  BOARD  MEET-
        ING:                                                      Social Committee:
                                                                  The Social Committee met on Monday, June 11th.  At the meet-
        On  June  14th  the  Perry                                ing they continued to plan July 4 as a full day of fun activities
        Park  Metro  District  board                              for the whole family.   The volunteer support and collaboration
        met at the Perry Park Country Club for our monthly meeting.    with the Perry Park Country Club continues to be fantastic.  Be
        In attendance were:                                       on the lookout for an email and flyer with all of the details for
                                                                  the holiday event.
        Randy Johnson – President                                 There is still a threat to the fireworks display on the 4th due to
        Craig VanDoorn – Vice President
                                                                                                  Continued on page 19
        Vanessa Dao – Treasurer
                                                                               Perry Park Sentinel July 20187 - Page 17
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