Page 20 - Sentinel July 2018
P. 20

BEAR WISE Continued from page 19                          wildlife that lives abundantly in and around Perry Park. Please
                                                                  help protect this sacred experience by always being bear wise.
                                                                  By doing so, we will continue to reward you with views like

                                                                  Email your pictures, questions and stories to: wisebeary@gmail.
                                                                  Your friend in the hood,

                                                                  A WALK ON THE WILD SIDE
                                                                  Susan Peters...

                                                                  Summer  at  the  Ponderosa...The
                                                                  Methuselah   of   Spiders...Short

                                                                  Wildlife Mecca

        to enter open garages and unlocked vehicles – not a good thing.
        PLEASE help this young bear family stay out of harm’s way by
        closing all garage, shed and outbuilding doors even when you
        are home. Doing so can prevent an accidental bear/human en-
        counter that may result in this mom and both cubs being de-
        stroyed if they become labeled “problem” bears.
        Amazing Feat
        These two cubs have been spotted climbing to the very tops of
        tall mature Ponderosa Pine trees in less than a minute. Bears   With our many bushes and flowers in bloom, the bees and but-
        are born with a natural instant to climb most anything as soon   terflies have been very busy gathering and spreading the pol-
        as they can walk.  Climbing trees is the primary way we bear   len.  This year our yard has been thick with beautiful butterflies.
        escape danger. Never try to escape us by climbing a tree, we   Along with the Painted Ladies, we have been graced with Tiger
        may pass you up on the way to the top!                    Swallowtails and White Admirals, among others.
        Other local bear sightings include a young adult bear sporting
        unusual blonde fur named “Dude.” Please let me know if you
        spot him – he owes me money.

        Parting Shot                                              This year we have not one but TWO bird baths which are almost
        Nowhere  in  the  world  can  residents  experience  the  amazing                         Continued on page 22
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