Page 19 - Sentinel July 2018
P. 19

PPMD Continued from pge 17                                And, imagine doing so with no ability to perspire as a means
                                                                  to cool off during the summer hot months. As the daytime heat
        fire restrictions.  Randy Johnson, Metro Board President and   rises we tend to conserve our energy and become more active
        Larkspur Fire Marshal, is coordinating with Douglas County   during the cooler night time hours. If you too are a night time
        and will provide direction as soon as the decision is made.  Be   party animal – “Party On”!
        on the lookout in NextDoor and Larkspur Neighbor to Neigh-
        bor for up to date information as we get closer to the 4th.

        Important Questions from Residents:
        There have been lots of reports of clicking in the trees within
        the Metro District, with some concern over what the cause may
        be.  Keith Worley, our resident forester, has reported that the
        clicking most likely comes from cicadas.  In his words: “It’s
        amore’!  The love song of a recent hatch.”

        Additionally, Keith reports that the Tussock Moth is no longer
        active in Perry Park thanks to mitigation efforts made two years

        Because of the voting season, there have been questions about
        the many candidate signs posted at the entrance to Perry Park.    A Day at the Pond:  Using neighborhood pools and ponds is
        These signs have been, and will continue to be, removed as they   a great way for us bear to take a break from the mid-day heat.
        are not allowed per Metro District by-laws.
                                                                  Here I am with my young nephews Ben and Jerry taking a dip in
                                                                  a local swimming hole.  We are actually really good swimmers
        Next Meeting                                              – no lessons necessary as we know how to swim instinctively.
        The next Perry Park Metro District Board meeting will be held
        on Thursday, July 12th at the Perry Park Country Club.  Resi-
        dents are always welcome to attend and participate.

                   BEAR WISE

                            Happy 4th of July! Bear activity in the
                            Perry Park area is sizzling. Please use
                            extra care when roaming around your
                            property as we are roaming too. If you
                            haven’t  purchased  your  bear  proof
                            trash container(s) yet, now would be
                            a great time to do so.
                                                                  Be Bear Aware
                            The Heat is On                        There is a mom bear accompanied by her two young cubs roving
                            You think you feel hot? Trying walking   our streets and yards. Mom is inadvertently teaching her cubs
                            around all day in a full body fur coat.
                                                                                                  Continued on page 20


                                                                   Pete Dunbar           1341 Quartz Mountain Drive
                                                                                          Larkspur, Colorado 80118
                                                                                             Cell 303-638-6762

                                                                                Perry Park Sentinel July 2018 - Page 19
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