Page 15 - Sentinel July 2018
P. 15

LFPD Continued from page 14                                 1.      Structure Fires: One (mutual-aid)
                                                                    2.      Vehicle fires: One (in-district)
        funding will not allow for competitive wages and benefits.    3.      Brush/Grass Fires: One (mutual-aid)
        * Staffing will decrease to such a level that around-the-clock   EMS: Total of 32 calls
        staffing will no longer be available at both Station 161 in the     1.      Medicals: Twenty-four (22 in-district and 2 mutual-aid)
        Town of Larkspur, and Station 162 located at 5680 Red Rock     2.      MVA’s: Eight (6 in-district and 2 mutual-aid)
        Drive.                                                    Alarms: Total of 5 calls:  Fire alarm system malfunction: Five
        * Reliability of fire apparatus and equipment will decrease due   (all in-district)
        to lack of funding for maintenance, repair and purchasing.  Other: Total of 40 calls (39 in-district and 1 mutual aid)
        * Safety and efficiency of fixed facilities will decrease due to
        lack of funding for maintenance and repair.               On behalf of the entire Larkspur Fire Protection District, we
        * Recruiting, training, and retaining volunteer firefighters, who   thank you for your continued support.  Our next scheduled board
        currently represent 53 percent of our total staff, will become   meeting is Thursday July 12, 2018, 7 p.m. at Station 161.
        increasingly difficult with fewer paid personnel to administer a
        well-organized training program.

        The LFPD Board would greatly appreciate your participation   THE  UNINTENDED  CONSEQUENCES  OF  THE
        in one of our upcoming community outreach meetings to be   GALLAGHER ACT AND THE NEGATIVE IMPACT
        held at Station 161 located at 9414 S. Spruce Mountain Road   ON FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICTS
        in Larkspur:                                               Mike Grill...

        Saturday, July 7, 2018 at 9 a.m.                          OUT  OF  SERVICE.  That’s  what
        Wednesday, July 11, 2018 at 7 p.m.                        fire  districts  throughout  Colorado
        Saturday, July 14, 2018 at 9 a.m.                         face  as  they  confront  catastrophic
                                                                  losses of operating revenues from
        Nothing is set in stone at this time. A final decision on placing   a major source of funding: property
        a measure on this fall’s ballot will not be made until August of   taxes.
        2018, providing time for additional public input.  Thank you in
        advance for your thoughts and recommendations.            “What?” you ask.  “How can this
                                                                  be?”,  knowing  your  property  value  has  likely  increased  in
        4th of July Celebration                                   Douglas County.
        The 4th of July is just around the corner, and Larkspur Fire
        Protection District would like everyone to have a safe and en-  A brief history lesson is in order here.
        joyable holiday.  With fireworks as the centerpiece of many cel-
        ebrations, the LFPD encourages you to attend one of the many   In 1982, Colorado adopted the Gallagher amendment, designed
        public displays offered around the area.  These displays are free   to prevent residential property owners from paying more than
        to the viewing public and seem to get better every year!  Perry   their fair share of property tax dollars. That year the non-resi-
        Park Metro District sponsors a great display at the Perry Park   dential (commercial) contribution to state property taxes repre-
        Country Club site.  Castle Rock, Littleton and Englewood have   sented 55 percent of total property taxes paid to the state, with
        public fireworks displays as well many other communities in   non-residential making up the remaining 45 percent So, law-
        the Denver and Colorado Springs areas.                    makers decided that ratio – 55/45 – should become a permanent
                                                                  part of the amendment.
        Please refer to this website for up to date fire restrictions:  To maintain the non-residential/residential balance, commercial
        cy-management/fire-restrictions                            property was assessed at a fixed rate of 29 per cent, while the
                                                                  residential rate was purposely designed to be flexible in order to
        Every year around the country there are always horrible ac-  adjust downward in periods when residential property increased
        cidents and fires started by folks playing with fire works.  Let’s   in valuation.
        not cause injuries, burn up any homes or set the forest and/or
        your neighborhood on fire because you just had to have your   During the early years of Gallagher, the 55/45 split wasn’t an
        own fireworks.  Please watch your children, as they are particu-  issue. In fact, in the early years, the residential assessed rate
        larly susceptible to the dangers that fireworks present.  Our fire   (RAR) was 21 percent, with the non-residential rate at 29 per-
        danger is high this year, so do not ruin your life or destroy your   cent. However, as Colorado’s population exploded – especially
        community by playing with fireworks.  Celebrate our Indepen-  along  the  Front  Range  –  residential  building  soon  overtook
        dence Day with pride and responsibility                   commercial growth, causing an inequity in the 55/45 balances.
                                                                  In order to maintain the formula, the RAR had to decrease and
        Calls for Service Summary                                 – by 2003 – it had, dropping from 21 percent to just 7.96 per-
        May 2018 Call Review:                                     cent.
        Fires: Total of 3 calls:                                                                  Continued on page 16
                                                                               Perry Park Sentinel July  2018 - Page 15
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