Page 19 - Sentinel March 2017
P. 19

WILD SIDE Continued from page 18                          Besides Tagawa’s, carries an inexpensive Esschert
                                                                  (who?) design solitary bee nest.  And if you want to be a bee
        Solitary Bee House                                        smarty or counting sheep is not working for you, try digesting
        If you have not heard of Osher Life-Long Learning Institute   the 112-page document “Bees of Colorado” found at https://
        (OLLI), a program of learning for those of us 50 and over, here
        it is.  OLLI South, an extension of Denver University, located at   ColoBees/the_Bees_of_Colorado.pdf
        Santa Fe and Titan Road in Littleton, offers a variety of daytime
        classes from hobbies to the arts, literature, history, and science.    Think about it- now we’ve added solitary bee houses to many
        You can take as many as you like for $130 each semester.   I   other abodes- bird houses, butterfly houses, bat houses, plus a
        have just finished one class called Getting Down and Dirty, like   variety of feeders.
        we used to do when we were kids – remember?  If you can,
        covering a variety of garden topics.
                                                                  Short Takes
                                                                  The bluebirds have started returning to check out the real estate
        During  one  session,  representatives  from  Tagawa  Gardens   market for raising this year’s two broods.  And next month – re-
        taught us how to make “fairy gardens” and showed us a solitary   ality check time – we will be making hummingbird food to put
        bee house carried at their site in Parker.  When we think of bees,   out for the first arrivals, the scout hummers.   It will be major
        it is the Winnie the Pooh variety – colonies of honey-making   check-in time for those bird species that chose our eco environ-
        bees in a bee’s nest.  BUT, it turns out that there are “solitary   ments to mate and raise their young.
        bees” that are excellent pollinators.
        Hornfaced bees and orchard bees are some of these rather doc-  That’s all, folks, for this month.  Gotta run.  Kona, one of our
        ile pollen spreaders.  They do not nest in colonies and do not   foster Stella’s 10 puppies, just did a leap out of her whelping
        excavate their own cavities to lay their young.  Using a solitary   box  and  into  her  mother’s  water  Olympian  in  the
        bee  house  provides  them  bamboo  tubes  or  pre-drilled  holes,   making...truly...
        where the females will lay their eggs, which in turn will stay
        dormant and hatch in spring, ready for service in your garden.    How to Contact Me:  Email is best at susan@larskpurconsulting.
        Having such bee houses entices these environment enhancers to   com.  Alternatively, call my cell phone at (303) 725-6868 or
        choose your digs to hang out in.                          send a short write-up to 2255 Quartz Mountain Drive.
        ºAnd the houses are not to wasps’ tastes!

                                                                              Perry Park Sentinel March 2017 - Page 19
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