Page 6 - Sentinel June 2017
P. 6

LARKSPUR’S CUB SCOUT PACK 631                             information below.  The Cub Master role sounds intimidating
        Jennifer Martin...                                        and like a lot of work, but it’s really not.  You are the “Leader
                                                                  of the Pack,” but all leaders collaborate on planning, work to-
        Did  you  know  that                                      gether to fulfill those plans and help the pack be successful.
        Larkspur  has  a  Cub
        Scout  pack  for  boys                                    This time of year we are looking for Tiger Scouts (starting first
        in  f  irst  through  fifth                                grade in the fall) to start a new Tiger Den.  We’ll also need a
        grades?    It  is  Cub                                    Tiger Den leader.  Each year, the current den leader advances
        Scout  Pack  631,  and                                    with the den to the next level in scouting.
        we are a small pack that is always looking for new scouts to
        join us.  Once a month, all of the dens and family members   The  Pack  will  be  hosting  a  Join  Night  in August  2017  after
        gather together for a pack meeting under the direction of our   school resumes. The meeting will be in the Larkspur Elemen-
        Cub Master.                                               tary School gym where interested parents and potential scouts
                                                                  can  learn  more  about  scouting  and  Cub  Scout  Pack  631,  so
        In addition, our cub scouts and their families participate in dif-  watch for information on that date and time.
        ferent activities including den meetings, pack hikes, the Rain
        Gutter Regatta, the Pinewood Derby, the Blue and Gold Ban-  We always welcome and appreciate donations, including vol-
        quet, two community service projects, and our annual pack pic-  unteers and parents donating their time and talents to our young
        nic and crossover ceremony.                               Cub Scouts.  If you would like more information about Pack
                                                                  631 or to make a donation, please contact our Committee Chair-
        Our pack holds one fundraiser each year to raise money to help   person, Jennifer Martin, at 303-681-9225 or email at Jennifer_
        cover pack expenses.  Our  Cub Scouts sell holiday wreaths,  Thank you for supporting our local
        sprays, garlands and living trees starting in September with de-  Cub Scout Pack 631.
        livery expected before Thanksgiving.
                                                                  ANNUAL LES-PTO SCHOLARSHIPS
        Our Pack is looking for a new Cub Master.  If you have scouting   AWARDED
        experience or just want to share your time and talents with Pack   Rebecca Winckler...
        631 as our new Cub Master, please reach out using the contact

                                                                  On  behalf  of  the  Evalu-
                                                                  ation  Committee  of  the
                                                                  twelfth annual Stuart Ma-
                                                                  zanec  Memorial  Scholar-
                                                                  ship, the eighth annual Liz
                                                                  Yost  Memorial  Scholar-
                                                                  ship  and  the  first  annual
                                                                  LES  Volunteer  Scholar-
                                                                  ship we want to thank all
                                                                  of the high school seniors who submitted an application.

                                                                  I hope you all will join us in congratulating Renee Alderman,
                                                                  recipient of the Stuart Mazanec Memorial Scholarship; Madi-
                                                                  son Mackey, recipient of the Liz Yost Memorial Scholarship,
                                                                  and Luke Arsenault, recipient of the LES volunteer Scholar-

                                                                  The committee was very impressed and touched by the sense of
                                                                  community the high school seniors feel from living and grow-
                                                                  ing up  in Larkspur. Their memories of Larkspur Elementary
                                                                  meant a great deal, as did their community service accomplish-
                                                                  ments and their connection to Stuart and Liz.  The strength of
                                                                  character demonstrated in their responses led us all to believe
                                                                  that they will all be assured a successful future, no matter what
                                                                  paths they choose to follow.

                                                                  As you can imagine, the decision as to “who would receive” the
                                                                  scholarships was very hard,  and we spent many hours review-
                                                                  ing, discussing and finally making a choice.  All of the appli-
                                                                                                   Continued on page 7
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